Bell Bhutan Vista Tours

Bhutan Last ShangriLa

Bhutan, the last Shangri-La of Tantric Buddhism, is the ‘happiness’ to most foreigners who have been to and know about the country.

This small Himalayan kingdom aspires to become a role model to the rest of the world, and it does so by believing that the ultimate quest of all humans is to find happiness. That’s why Bhutan rejects the conventional belief that economic gains alone result in happiness.

However, the country does not undermine the importance of economic growth. What it seeks is a fine balance between material wealth and spiritual well-being. Thus, Bhutan firmly believes that Gross National Happiness is more important than Gross National Product. And the ideals of Gross National Happiness are very much part of the country’s development programs and policies.

Bhutan’s untainted culture and traditions have been the hallmark of its uniqueness in the world.

The country therefore consciously strives to preserve its unique cultural identity.

One of the recent developments the country witnessed was its transition from monarchy to parliamentary constitutional democracy. Amid resistance from the people, the fourth King, His Majesty Jigme Singye Wangchuck, voluntarily abdicated the Golden Throne a year before the historic elections.

Known as the Father of Democracy, the fourth King told his people that a king is chosen by birth not by merit and the future of the Bhutanese people hinges on a healthy democratic system. The country is for the people, not for the king, he said. The country thus embraced a multi-party democracy following its first ever parliamentary elections in March 2008.

A tiny nation squeezed between the two rising Asian giants – China in the north and India in the south – Bhutan has always taken cautious steps to determine its own future. The country does not believe in economic emulation.

Bhutan’s less than 700,000 people are highly scattered. And its largest city, Thimphu, is home to about 100,000 people. Most of them are government and corporate employees and business players. The rest of the population lives in far-flung towns and villages, some in extremely remote and inaccessible pockets.

More than 72% of the country’s total area is under forest cover, and its rich flora and fauna have earned the country a place among the world¹s top 10 biodiversity hotspots. And scattered settlements remain adorned with aesthetic temples, monasteries, and fluttering prayer flags.

Bhutan is a fairytale land of fascinating myths and legends where the ancient and the modern seamlessly come together to create a unique travel destination. Bhutan 4Direction Travels welcomes you to experience a veritable outing in the heart of the Himalayas. We will show you the country inside out with custom-made itinerary to suit your travel preferences.

Welcome to Bhutan.

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